Plaisirs Gourmets is a small cheese distributor based in Quebec City which was initiated in 1999 by owners Nancy Portelance and Louis Gadreau when they took notice that Nancy’s cheese-making brother was in need of a distributor for his products. Over the past decade, Plaisirs Gourmets has grown into a dynamic business that links 15 artisan Quebec cheesemakers with hundreds of customers Canada-wide.

Plaisirs Gourmets sets itself apart from other distributors by giving the artisan cheesemakers that they represent a chance to be involved in the company’s activities. The unique relationships that they form with the producers allow the team at Plaisirs Gourmets to be unequalled advocates for the cheeses that they sell.

Nancy speaks proudly of the 8 people that make up the team at Plaisirs Gourmets, as well as the artisan cheesemakers that they represent. This small but dynamic company is clearly a source of great pride for Nancy and her husband, Louis – only recently losing top-spot to their daughter, Juliette!