Richview Farms

The Stroszka family have been raising squab on one hundred acres of land in Belwood Lake, about half hour west of Orangeville, for over twenty years. With a desire for a better lifestyle that was slightly more rural in flavour, Richard Stroska founded Richview Farms in 1988 and began to produce squab of amazing quality and consistency.

Stroszka personally handles each aspect of raising his 3000 breeding pairs of squab, from feeding to breeding selection. Each pair of birds mate for life, and produce around 12 offspring per year that are destined to become food. The squabs are raised up to 28 days old, when the birds are fully grown but have not yet flown.

Given that Richard’s interest in raising birds goes back to his childhood when he began raising them as pets, it is safe to bet that he will be producing superior squab for many years to come.